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Burned The Roof of Your Mouth? How To Treat Burns On Your Palate

Having burns is not only limited to the skin; yes, you can also get burns in your mouth. How do I mean? If you sip on a very hot drink like tea or coffee, it could burn your palate; also if you take hot food from the oven or the pot, you could get your tongue burned. This is because your palate can be easily damaged and requires careful management.

The tissues in the mouth are more sensitive and nesh than some other parts of the body, and therefore is more likely to be affected by burns. This is because it is a thin layer that is so fragile. Having the sensitive tissue properly cared for gives you that full interest and enjoyment whenever you eat or drink, which also puts it at a great risk of having burns.

How To Treat Burns On Your Palate

Treating a minor burn or a burn that hasn’t fully grown into a worse stage can be easily done with some home remedies. You really don’t need a dental appointment yet at this stage.

One of the ways to relieve this pain is to take cold things in your mouth like ice cream, yogurt and similar things that would help relieve the pain.

Also, you could use some milk at this point; it will help create a thin layer on top of your mouth to ease the pain, this thin layer can’t be created with just water.

[easy-tweet tweet=”Treating a minor burn or a burn that hasn’t fully grown into a worse stage can be easily done with some home remedies.” user=”Platinumde” hashtags=”Teeth, Palate, burn”]

Just to be on the safe side, you could get some painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen from your local medicine store.

As the healing process takes place, in order not to worsen the situation, it is best to stay away from crunchy foods so that when broken down with the teeth, the sharp edges won’t prick the palate thereby causing you more pain.

Mouth burns could also lead to having infections. To prevent this, use an antibacterial mouth rinse, making a gargle with it. Make sure it reaches the affected parts of the mouth. In absence of a mouth rinse, using warm salty water could be of help also making a gargle with it about five to six times in a day.

The burnt skin should be peeling off after some four to five days of gargling with an antibacterial mouth rinse, and your mouth should be healed up in about a week or thereabouts.


How To Know When A Mouth Burn Is Severe/When To See The Dentist

Having burns is not only limited to the skin; yes, you can also get burns in your mouth. How do I mean? If you sip on a very hot drink like tea or coffee, it could burn your palate;When the mouth burn reaches the extreme stage where you experience symptoms like redness, blistering, swelling and harsh pains, the best thing to do is to visit the dentist.

It is possible for you to start seeing pockets of whitish or yellowish substance formed (which is usually found in places where bacterial infections are) in your mouth.

If it is a second degree burn, it could still be temporarily managed using some over-the-counter medicines but as for third degree burns, you will need urgent medical attention and treatment.

Severe burns will also require antibiotics to fight the bacteria that could have been possibly formed in the mouth.

If you’re still not sure how critical your mouth burns are and if you should or shouldn’t get urgent medical help, you can seek for help via a dental help line or visit the dental clinic nearest to you for more help as you will explain how your burns make you feel and the dentist will know what to do for you.  Better still, you can make use of the internet where there is a wide expanse of information on all topics.


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  1. Otis Libre

    I adore this site – its so usefull and helpfull.|

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