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Why you should visit your dentist frequently


To have and maintain a good level of oral hygiene, there are measures that must be put in place. There are many things that must be done asides just brushing and flossing. The gums need attention too, you know. Which is why you need to visit your dentist as often as possible.

There are many oral diseases that cannot be detected by the ordinary individual. These diseases and infections have to be detected as early as possible to avoid aggravating the situation. At such times, paying a courtesy visit to the dentist is highly necessary.


Medical Check-ups versus Oral Check-ups


It’s quite an appalling fact that when it comes to the body, people tend to give more consideration to periodic medical check-ups than oral check-ups. Checking up on the mouth is equally important! Infections in the mouth can put us in really difficult situations.

Asides the pain they will bring along, embarrassment is a part of the package. You get to miss out on your favourite foods; get to talk less to friends and family. In short, life just becomes miserable. That is why the dentist should be one of the very good friends you’ll keep in your inner circle.


Benefits of visiting the dentist regularly

Oral Check-up


When you visit the dentist, you have the opportunity to get your mouth checked. The dentist checks the gums, using a special tool to measure the spaces between the gums and the teeth. Normally this space is shallow, but when infected it becomes deeper.


Plaque removal


Plaque is a sticky layer of bacteria that forms on the teeth when food remnants are allowed to build up on the teeth. When plaque is allowed to thrive on the teeth for long, it can harden and become tartar. Brushing and flossing will be of no help at this stage. The dentist’s attention would do.


Prevention of Cavities


The dentist can also check your teeth for cavities. Cavities are holes in the teeth. If left unattended for a long time, they can lead to teeth sensitivity and teeth loss. Worse still, they can give room for serious mouth infections.


Prevention of mouth infections and cancer


It is also vitally important for the dentist to check your tongue for any risk of an infection, a swelling or possibly cancer.


Teeth Cleaning


Apart from the check-up that the dentist will carry out on your teeth, he will also do some cleaning. If you’ve got tartar built up on your teeth and gums, he’ll use a special tool to clear them off. This process is known as scaling.


The dentist will also make sure to polish your teeth using a special kind of paste so as to remove any remnant stain on the surface of the teeth.


In addition, the dentist ensures proper flossing of your teeth to totally remove every dirt from between the teeth.


Considering all the benefits listed above, it’s quite evident how much good we’ll be doing our mouths and teeth by paying more frequent visits to the dentist. Consistent and perfect oral health will be inevitable.

Don’t have a dentist yet? Visit us at Platinum Dental. Our dentists are always ready to give you a warm reception and you can be sure to get the best professional attention for your teeth and mouth. Remember, make the dentist your friend.

Comment on "Why you should visit your dentist frequently"

  1. Ya my child has fallen milk teeth, but permanent teeth has not grown still for past 8 months so please say some measures to get a teeth, whether i have to go and check dental clinic for this problem.

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