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All You Needed to Know About Dental Implants

If have damaged or lost tooth, and want to replace it, the way to go forward is a dental implant. However, if this is your first time for a dental implant, you would have many questions.

Here is a look at some of the common questions regarding dental implants.

The quality and quantity of jaw bone at the implant site must be analyzed by a qualified dentist before starting the procedure.

The Different Dental Implants

There are two types of dental implants – endosteal and subperiosteal.

Endosteal Dental Implants: Endosteal implants are the most common type of implants where cylinders, screws or blades are surgically inserted into the jawbone. The implant can be used to hold one or more artificial teeth.

Subperiosteal Dental Implants: Subperiosteal implants are recommended for patients with low bone height as the implants are inserted into the top of the jaw using a metal framework that protrudes through the gum.

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If you want to replace all of your teeth, there is no need for a separate implant for every teeth. The dentist will determine the number of implants necessary to hold the entire set of teeth.

Understanding dental implant procedure

First of all, are antibiotics necessary? Based on a study 437 successively treated patients had 736 dental implants placed. To draw inferences, antibiotics were not administered. The outcome of this study was that there were 5 early infections and 3 late infections. Interestingly the rate of survival of the surgery was no different than the rates in which antibiotics were used before the dental implants. Hence this study reflects that antibiotics are not much useful.

post-dental-implant-surgery- successful-dental-implant-surgery


Getting dental implant is a long and complicated procedure that requires your complete cooperation. You have to adhere to the recommendations of your dentist for a successful surgery.


When your dentist has determined that you are an ideal candidate for an implant, you have to undergo a series of dental imaging studies. Your dentist will analyze your mouth in detail to determine the exact procedure required to place the implant.


The quality and quantity of jawbone available at the implant site determine the procedure required to place the implant. Even though you suffer from missing tooth, teeth extraction may be required to completely remove the damaged teeth.

Things to Keep In Mind

Sometimes, alveolar bone graft is used to make the implant site stronger. If you don’t have adequate jaw bone at the implant site, the onlay bone graft is necessary to improve jaw bone. When an implant has to be placed in the upper jaw, maxillary sinus may limit the availability of jaw bone. In that case, sinus augmentation is necessary to raise the floor of sinus and more bone must be grafted into the sinus.

Preparing the implant site may take anywhere from two to six months. Depending on the oral condition, the preparation process may be as simple as teeth extraction or complicated. If oral surgery is performed to prepare for the implant, you have to wait for two to six months for the site to heal.

Once a strong bone base is established, your dentist can surgically insert the implant. Anaesthetic is required to complete this surgery and you won’t feel any pain during the procedure. Once the implant is inserted, a healing cap is placed to begin the healing process which can take two to six months.

During this period, you have to quit smoking and avoid any stress on the implant. Care should be taken to prevent infections. After the implant has healed, osseointegration will be checked by your dentist. After that, the implant will be fitted with a prosthetic component to which you can attach prosthetic teeth.

Caring for dental implants

Even though the procedure is long, dental implants can last a lifetime with adequate care. After getting implants, you can brush and floss as usual. Regular dental checkups will help you to ensure proper fit of prosthetic teeth throughout your life.

Comment on "All You Needed to Know About Dental Implants"

  1. iduare precious

    Do u need a dental health technician

  2. Joseph

    I want to remove one of my teeth and I want to know how much is the cost.

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